Tabble Flap – by Sean Ryan


In the most recent episode of Mating Habits, I was called out for having said that any woman who is hyper-sexual—or even has a healthy sexuality—must have gotten it from “daddy issues”. I have never said such a thing. Or at least, I’ve never generalized it that way. If you think I have, clips or it didn’t happen. It’ll give you the chance to revisit our awesome episode archive.

Oh sure, I’ve made jokes and glib comments about girls with “daddy issues” (especially “the fun kind”) and people who act out from having their “antennas bent”. But my understanding of people’s sexuality isn’t as simple as a direct line from A to B.

Kelley and Paris are absolutely right. Some women just really enjoy sex. Some women just don’t. Both are cool and shouldn’t be stigmatized. Kelley is also right in that the phrase “daddy issues” is often used as a cop out or hasty judgment of a woman’s character. Kelley and Paris mentioned in the podcast that their sexual appetites aren’t the result of any kind of childhood trauma, and I believe them. At the same time, I can’t deny that women with “daddy issues” do also exist. They’re just not who Kelley and the gang are discussing in that episode.

Here’s the thing: “Daddy issues” are real. The phrase is often horribly misused, but there is truth to it.

“Daddy issues” spring from a variety of things; not limited to molestation. Physical abuse, neglect, abandonment, personality clash, alcoholism… All it takes is a shitty role model to affect our behavior as adults. Or as I tend to put it, that’s how some people get their “antennae bent”.

That trauma very commonly manifests into how we handle sex and personal relationships. It’s a strange but real phenomenon where we re-enact our trauma. Typically as a way to manage our feelings or as an unconscious attempt to grasp control over the demons that haunt us.

Some women with “daddy issues” come to recoil from sex. I’ve dated a couple of those. Some women with “daddy issues” work them out through sex. I’ve dated many of those…which may also say a lot about me. Most of the latter ended with the girl sabotaging the relationship by stirring up chaos and drama.

That’s all not to say that anyone who acts out sexually is “damaged goods”. Many hyper-sexual women are happy and able to maintain healthy relationships. I’ve also dated a couple women who have just had healthy sexuality, which I consider a blessing.

My advice is to give women the benefit of the doubt. Just enjoy the ride (*wink wink*). At the same time, be aware of red flags that suggest that this person may be wrestling with some baggage that could spill into your relationship with them,. It’s all fun until someone gets hurt.


Sex After Trauma (Pt. II): The Psychology Behind My Promiscuity

What Motivates Sexual Promiscuity?

Dr. NerdLove: It’s OK To Want Sex

Ep.84 – Love Workout Regimen: Interview with Lindze and Brad Merritt!


Episode 84 is chock full of excitement as Sean Ryan and I have the pleasure of interviewing Lindze and Brad Merritt, of Cosplay and Cartoon Network** fame – respectively!!


They join us to help discuss ways to keep good geeky relationships strong so that can last; something everyone except me seems to excel at 🙂

Sean suggests that you look for reasons to high-five each other, finishes Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, oh, and announces that HE’S GOING TO BE A FATHER!

I talk about The VVitch, my feels about 10 Cloverfield Lane, and I officially announce Table-Flip Tuesdays with Andrew “M3JCNV” Bartlett, a bi-weekly addition to the blog.

Sean and I play a magical ame of “Would You Rather,” where we disagree… and I can’t remember that my favorite Dane is from Denmark – sorry Mads.

Tables get flipped over “Walking Billboards” and whether or not The Americas are actually two continents. By Sean’s estimation, California is it’s own continent, so you’re not going to want to miss this!

**Director, Cartoon Network Game Design – Brad Merritt is an employee of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect views of his employer.

Lindze a la mode
Cartoon Network
Lindze’s Facebook Page

Mating Habits of the Modern Geek: Love and Dating within Your own Species – your comedy source for relationship advice for geeks and nerds.

Ep.81 — Two Geeks; One Goal: You like the same person – now what?

To be fair, Katniss is so badass that it might take dating both of these guys...

To be fair, Katniss is so badass that it might take dating both of these guys…

Sean Ryan joins me (in an episode with functioning mics) in figuring out what to do when you and your best friend end up liking the same person. Are there certain rules of etiquette one must follow? Does the Bro-code apply? What about all of your feels?


We also catch up on The Haps including video game news, Sean’s guest appearance on Whiskey Thursday, my submission to the Anywhere But Here Podcast, how everybody sadly has cancer, and potential bookings for speaking at colleges. 2016 is starting out with a bang!

Speaking of bangs, Sean and I play Bang to the Future, where we discuss famous people who are too old for us now (or too dead), but we would use all our time-machine passes going back in time with whom to hook up.

We flip tables over Star Wars merchandising, and the fedora-wearing trolls who come out to defend/support the lack of Rey, and other Star Wars-related flips.



Whiskey Thursday Podcast

Anywhere But Here Podcast


Mating Habits of the Modern Geek: Love and Dating within Your own Species – your comedy source for relationship advice for geeks and nerds.

Ep.79 – We Wish You a Merry Geekmas: And a Happy New Nerd!

It's the thought that counts!

It’s the thought that counts!

Sean Ryan of Alpha Counter and the Method to Madness Podcast helps me get ready for the hectic holiday season by joining me for this festive installment of Mating Habits.

We discuss my recent break-up, Sean’s broken PS3, and how you’re a broken human being if you don’t think Netflix’s Jessica Jones is the best thing since Luke Cage’s muscles.

Stop listening to this and go watch Jessica Jones now!

Stop listening to this and go watch Jessica Jones now!

We discuss some finer points to navigating the holiday season with your significant others, play a couple rounds of One, True, Three, and flip tables that may or may not contain vegan cookies and almond milk left for Santa.

May your Tauntauns be feisty and your Sith Lord show mercy this Holiday Season!

May your Tauntauns be feisty and your Sith Lord show mercy this Holiday Season!

Ep.76 – Paying for Sex: The Ins and Outs of the Adult Entertainment Industry

Tobit Software Robot Strippers

Prepare for our triumphant return with an exciting, interview-packed, super-sized episode of Mating Habits!

Sean Ryan and I discuss the ins and outs (pun intended) of the adult entertainment industry and how it relates to those of us in the geek community. Some of the things we discuss may be illegal or otherwise not allowed where you live, so take everything we say with a grain of salt – we are not suggesting anyone listening to this show engaging in any illegal acts, nor are we suggesting actually following any of the suggestions we do give. We’re not actual life coaches 🙂

I score the interview of the century with everyone’s favorite purveyor of all things Japanese, Peter Payne of JList! Peter teaches me about the Japanese attitude of “Shō ga nai,” where they’ve given up on trying to change what people want to do in the privacy of their own homes, and simply say, “It cannot be helped.” It’s a wonderful philosophy.

While you’re listening to the interview, please check out JList and all the things (not just the adult stuff) that you can find to satisfy your Japanese cravings:
And check out Peter Payne’s blog about Japanese culture and more at:
JList Blog

Sean and I also gab about our latest video game obsessions with Transformers: Devastation and Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, how much fun the Supergirl pilot was, and we relive the epic night that was Sean and Vane’s Spooky Birthday Party.

Tables get flipped over Campbell’s Soup potentially ruining Star Wars, and how the only thing you should ever flip are pancakes, scripts, and tables – never teenagers in their desks at school.

Gorgeous photo shoot of Model: Cyndi Dawn
Photographer: Somer Ahonen of Lockbox Studios

Show Links!

Help me #KeepToppingsTraditional

Ep.74 – Strange Dates: A Mixed Bag of What the Actual Fuck?


Sean Ryan saves my bacon and joins me to share weird and awkward dating stories – Sean’s story list consists of famous cousins, dangerous almost-cholas, and disappearing Nigerians. My stories include an in-date level-up and being held hostage at a farmer’s market – and strange dating customs from around the world.

The universe hates Sean’s new car – a lot, and he has Last of Us frustrations…still. We can’t get drunk, even at my birthday party; and Wil Wheaton ruins EVERYTHING! Destiny: The Taken King has come out, so basically, my life is suddenly too busy to get a podcast out on time.

Tables get flipped over literal “Party Poopers,” and how no one on Last of Us has any muscle memory after years of surviving in the clicker-filled post apocalypse.

Could you take fewer than 5 minutes to load that bullet?!  Could you?!!

Could you take fewer than 5 minutes to load that bullet?! Could you?!!

Or two...or a damn half-dozen!

Or two…or a damn half-dozen!

Check out MoatCon4!
Fathom Events – Doctor Who in 3D!
There’s a Batman Day?
Crazy Dating Practices
Empty Sheathes and more!
13 Weird Dating Practices from Other Countries

Ep.71 – Enthusiastic Consent: GET HYPE!!


I infiltrate Alpha Counter Studios and bring Sean Ryan and The Business, LLC back for Episode 71 – the one where we cover the controversial topic of Enthusiastic/Affirmative Consent, and why it’s important.

The Business almost ruins a budding friendship by drunk live tweeting Justice League episodes, and tries to salvage things by inviting his new friend on a beat ’em up side scroller. This is why we can’t have nice things.

Sean gets sunburned at a crowded bdsm-themed bungalow at the beach and meets a beautiful man named Ram Gabriel.

While they were sunning and funning at the beach, I stayed home and had a yard sale – don’t be too jealous. And my copies of Exploding Kittens finally got here!!

We tackle the idea of enthusiastic and affirmative consent: What is it? Why do we need it? What’s with the double standard? What does it say about you, as a person, if the concept of affirmative consent is unacceptable to you? (HINT: If it bothers you too much, you might be part of the problem.)

This is the best visual example of why this is important:

We flip new tables about bad communicators, the impregnable login guards at Steam, and how Trigger Warnings have gotten out of damn hand.


The double standard here is a problem.

The double standard here is a problem.

Ep.68 – Assorted Meats and Cheeses: Post-wedding Drunken Convos


Sean Ryan of Alpha Counter joins me to continue what might have been one of the best conversations we ever had after two drinks…then we had a third drink and totally forgot what we were talking about. This episode is the result of that decision.

I watched the EA portion of E3 and share my disappointments and excitements. I’m in an abusive relationship with Ubisoft and I’m going back to them for Assassin’s Creed: Victory. You just don’t understand Ubisoft like I do – and in their defense, they only beat me when I deserve it. There’s more Mass Effect Pretty and The Last Guardian has a release date – and you know that’s not going to have a happy ending.


WE SPOIL THE SHIT OUT OF GAME OF THRONES, so there’s your warning. If you haven’t seen the finale, I suggest you stop listening at the warning and come back in at the 40-minute mark. I will tell you that you should probably begin your HYPE preparations for CLEGANEBOWL!

Piecing together the memories of that night, Sean and I discuss the Uncanny Valley we experience when we look at photos of ourselves, and the body image issues we all face. We compare toxic relationships from our past and try to figure out why we stayed so long. It was an interesting night, and would have made for an interesting show if we could have remembered it.

We flip tables over the spoiler police and frustration over movie poster billing. Also, we’ve now got an Amazon Banner for you to click through.


Here’s a great example of Meats and Cheeses:


This is nightmare fuel:


Ep.66 – The Kink Episode: The Listeners Have Been Very Naughty…


Ep.66 – The Kink Episode: The Listeners Have Been Very Naughty…

We begged for it, and you gave it to us!

Paris and the Business join me this week for a super-sized show about various kinks and fetishes to satisfy our curiosities.

We discover The Business is a damned Hawk, talk about getting “Wifed,” while playing video games, and Paris gets her first taste of a childhood movie being rebooted.

We’re 100 percent wrong about the ending of Mad Men but whatever, we were right about everything else.

We just saw Mad Max and WE LOVED IT! Spoilers abound as we tell you all the ways this is the best movie of the summer.

Thanks to the generosity of our brave listeners, we have a couple of interviews and some great emails (Narrated by Sean Ryan of Alpha Counter) and we discuss paraphilias and fetishes in general, sharing some of our own kinks as well.

It’s the final installment of My Fair Andrew 🙁 They grow up so fast. Even though it’s sad to see him go, we were happy to take the journey with him. Find out how his experienced helped him, and what he has planned for the near future.

Tables get flipped, y’all. I’m tired of people policing what other people wear, The Business is over potlucks and 100% done with home brews, and Paris thinks Facebook is the last place you want to ask for advice when buying tech.

Show Links!
List of Paraphilias Wiki

Kink: Documentary

Links attached to the third listener email:
Tame Transformer Fan Art

Ep.63 – Catfished: Reeled in Hook, Line, and Sinker


Sean Ryan of Alpha Counter joins me in my sick, weakened state for another jam-packed episode of Mating Habits.

This episode, we discuss the act of “Catfishing,” an internet phenomenon that happened to me a couple of weeks ago, and we’re lucky enough to have listener-submitted emails sharing their catfish sagas, and we even snag an interview with our own Paris who comes clean in Paris’s Catfish Confessions – she’s been a bad girl…

We also discuss our recent ventures into film making with Bottom Shelf Films, delve into the Walking Dead Finale for some quick speculations, and I caught a Zeff Cold from my friends at the Die Antwoord concert.

Things are looking up for our hero in this edition of My Fair Andrew – but let’s not jinx it 😉

We flip tables over “Innocents” in the comment sections, and folks who don’t like to have fun, especially on April Fool’s Day.

Trigger Warning: Jokes.

The first photo is the one by which I was catfished. The second is who the guy in the first photo really is. *sigh*

Bottom Shelf Films
Die Antwoord
