Ep.18 – Adventure, Risk, & Genius: Why We Love Dangerous Loners (i.e. Sherlock and The Doctor)



Paris and I discuss our favorite fandoms and why we adore fictional men who fall on the spectrum somewhere between raging asshole and sociopath. We get into the difference between fantasizing about these larger-than-life characters, and what you might learn about women from the fanfic, tumbl-ing, and general ramblings of fandom. We kibitz over The Doctor/Rose/River and flip tables over spoiler-phobes and trigger warnings. Spoilers and Triggers – Get You Some!

So, c’mon and read some fanfic, explore fandom, and find out what’s going on in the minds of the people you want to date.

You know you want to…


We want you – no – NEED you to send us your most interesting questions about SEX for our upcoming MHMG Episode. It’ll be me, Sean from Alpha Counter, along with The Business and Paris discussing anything and everything you want to know about the “Mating” part of Geek Dating. You’ve got until Tuesday, Feb. 26th to submit your questions via FB message or to:


We promise to keep your identity confidential – unless you want to be exposed…hey, maybe you’re into that sort of thing 😉

Cycle 2 Premier!! Episode 6 – Convention Etiquette – the Cosplay Angle

Cycle 2 is finally here, and in this episode, I’m joined by co-hosts Paris, The Business, and Sean Ryan from Alpha Counter.com!

We attempt to discuss ways to use costuming at fan conventions as a method to approach and or attract potential mates, but how to not seem like a creepy stalker or a complete asshat.

I say attempt, because we also take a considerable amount of time discussing the greatness that is Sweden, religion-porn, STDs of the eye, “Vajazzleing,” Yip-Yips, opossums, and the classic Liam Neeson flick, TAKEN.

I promise at least 20% of this podcast is at least marginally on topic.



Level 2 – Map Your Hunting Grounds

Episode 2 is here…and it’s on time!


Level 2 – Map Your Hunting Grounds: Where to go to find that perfect geeky match.

Join me and my co-hosts, Paris and the Business, L.L.C., while we discuss where to find and meet ideal matches.  From book and game stores, to conventions and speed dating, we’ll give insight into all the great places for geeks to meet other geeks. *No Tauntauns were harmed in the making of this podcast.

So, it begins…

Welcome to what I hope will be a fun and informative journey, navigating the obstacles and challenges of dating in the Geek world to ultimately find your way to the relationship of your dreams.

In order to secure my position as the correct woman for this job, I’ll give you my Geek Resume – a CV of time spent earning my Bachelors of Science in TARDIS, followed by my PhD in Trek Studies.

My geek credentials are myriad — I mean, I just used the word, “Myriad,” — but if you need further proof, I’ll sum up things by saying I’m a Science Fiction/Fantasy RPG Gamer Geek who has played every type of game from Table-Top Warhammer Fantasy to Dungeons and Dragons 2-3.5 (I still contend that 4 was an empty, soulless attempt to ruin everything ever). I have logged hundreds of console hours playing Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Left 4 Dead, and Tenchu Z. I have emoted and RP-walked through weeks-worth of World of Warcraft and Star Wars, The Old Republic. This doesn’t even take into account the amount of time I’ve spent enjoying TV, Movies, Comics, and Novels that span the genres — let’s just say I’ve been Aiming to Misbehave ever since Han Solo shot first.

If you’ve read this far, I invite you to also consider my love history. I’ve been on dates…lots and lots of dates…like, a bunch of damn dates. Sprinkle in a smattering of long-term relationships, and you’ve got 20 years-worth of expectation, gratification, and rejection.

I have a lot of things to say about geeks dating other geeks, and I have the advice that many of you might need to get your foot in the door of the cranky neighbor known as “Love.”

This blog will be a companion piece to a podcast by the same name, available on iTunes – it’s free, so what do you have to lose?

I hope you’ll find it informative and inspiring – or at least funny. Feedback is my friend, so feel free to comment and ask questions, or follow me on Twitter @Kelleydisagrees and Direct Message me with anything and everything.

Buckle Up, because it’s about to get geekish.