Ep. 110 – The COVID-19 Episodes – Revolution

Joe Hogan from the Geektitude and State of the Geek podcasts joins me on this solemn episode of Mating Habits of the Modern Geek. In light of all the terrible things happening in our country (and the world) at the moment, Joe and I stay in our lane and voice our support for the protests and the Black Lives Matter Movement, and then go on to chat about some lighthearted stuff like streaming shows Never Have I Ever and Upload; table-top games like the Kickstarter-only Hel and To Hunt a Killer; and a couple of true-crime podcasts thrown in for good measure.

Here are some links to resources and information about the protests, how you can help, and some podcasts by people of color to talk more about the subject in a way that Joe and I cannot – stay safe out there!

Black Lives Matter – https://blacklivesmatter.com

Too Black Too Nerdy Podcast – https://www.podbean.com/eu/pb-rtqxs-de53ae

Black Nerd Planet – https://www.iheart.com/podcast/966-black-nerd-planet-29715944/

Rolling Stone’s Comprehensive Donations List – https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/george-floyd-protests-bail-funds-police-brutality-black-lives-matter-1008259/

What say you?